AGM - 2020 Style
Elwood Toy Library
Our Annual General Meeting will be happening Saturday, 26th September at 2.30 pm. In line with current restrictions it will be a pared back affair, hosted across zoom (write for meeting details to
At the AGM the toy library committee will present annual reports and financials to the membership on the year past (which are then filed with Consumer Affairs Victoria.) The AGM is also an opportunity to join the toy library committee, something we’d very much like you to consider.
Jaime, our outgoing chair has written previously about her committee experience. Below, some of our current committee members share a little about why they joined and what they’ve got out of being part of the committee.
What made you join the toy library committee in the first place?
Zoe: I was looking for a way to get more involved in family-focused spaces in my community. My daughter loves the toy library and I thought I might have something to contribute. I believe in the ethos and mission of toy libraries: connecting local families, more play, less stuff.
Jane: I was an early member of the toy library in the 80s when my children were little. I rejoined when I became a grandmother, and Tobi, then on the committee, asked me to join.
Joey: After some chats with Simon, I took on the role of summer coordinator (and back-up coordinator) at the toy library. A couple of months later, a new treasurer was needed on the committee. Again, after chatting with Simon and the outgoing treasurer, I decided to step up for it.
Jeanne: When I retired from full-time work I wanted to get involved with the local community. Having two tiny grandchildren and a background in education, the Toy Library really appealed to me. The idea of cutting down on consumption of toys as well as having access to a huge variety of quality toys also really appealed to me.
Jaime: As a long-term sufferer of 'Plastic Guilt' this took a massive ramp-up once I become a mother. When I heard about Toy Libraries they seemed like a wonderful antidote. As soon as a I moved to Elwood I searched out the Toy Library, and when a friend asked me to join the Committee I was delighted.
What have you got out of being part of the toy library committee?
Zoe: Greater connection with the local community, enhanced understanding of kids' play and learning, especially as they grow and develop. Getting up close with lots of cool toys!
Jane: I enjoy working with parents who are committed to the community which is their children’s early experience of the world! The toy library is a creative gem and it’s a credit to all the parents who’ve been involved for over 30 years to keep it going.
Joey: I really enjoy how my involvement with the committee has deepened my connection with a number of other toy library members and the toy library itself. It’s a very rewarding experience to make a shared contribution to such a community-minded organisation.
Jeanne: I really enjoy being part of such a vibrant community of generous people and also enjoy being able to make a contribution in my local area.
Jaime: I have been on the Committee for 6 years - which I never expected! But this shows how much I have enjoyed it - lovely people, lovely organisation and a lovely way to keep my brain 'going' when I was a stay at home Mum. I have also transitioned away from my corporate background towards more rewarding, community-minded work. So you could say it has even been life-changing.
If you’re interested in coming along to the AGM do RSVP for the zoom details.