Contact Us

We welcome you to contact us with any questions you may have!

We’re open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings from 9.30am to 11.30am. You can contact us by phone (9531 1679), email ( or Facebook.


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Save the Date for our 40th Birthday Party

Elwood Toy Library

Save the Date! 🎉

📅 Sunday, 30 March

⏰ 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

📍 Chicken Park (behind the Toy Library)

Join us for a fun-filled morning with:

✨ Kids' entertainment & face painting

🎂 Birthday cake & coffee cart

🌭 Sausage sizzle (fundraising for the Toy Library)

🎟 Free entry!

📢 RSVP online

We can’t wait to celebrate with you! 🎈

Proudly Supported by City of Port Phillip

Stay and Play in May

Elwood Toy Library

Join us for a play with our Toys, Puzzles and Games after hours on Saturday 25th May 11:30am to 1:30pm at the Toy Library. Meet other Toy Library families and bring your friends and help us celebrate World Play Day in May!

Stay and Play at Elwood Toy Library

Elwood Toy Library

Stay and play with the wonderful toys, puzzles and games at Elwood Toy Library on Saturday 2nd March 11:30am to 1:30pm! Meet other Elwood Toy Library families and bring your friends. This is a FREE event, however space is limited so please book here.

Community Open Day & AGM

Elwood Toy Library

Please save the date for our Community Open Day and AGM on Saturday 23rd September. We will be giving tours of the Toy Library from 11:30am - 12:30pm and have special offers available for those who join on the day!

AGM proceedings will take place from 12:30pm - 1pm and everyone is welcome. The AGM is a great opportunity to join our friendly committee. We are always looking for new members to join!

Tickets - Sold Out!

Elwood Toy Library

Wonderful families, tickets for the Elwood Children’s Festival have now sold out - thank you so much for your support.

If you would like to join the Toy Library, anyone can join here from as little as $100 (or $30 Concession) for 12 months. We would love you to join in the fun.

New eCargo Bike

Elwood Toy Library

Thanks to the City of Port Phillip, Elwood Toy Library is proud to announce the arrival of a new Electric Cargo bike to our collection. It’s big, yellow and very easy to ride.

The Tern eCargo bike comes with a child seat on the back, with room in front for a second child. The bike is a pedelectric bike, which means you still have to pedal, but with an electric boost.

A power pack is included with the bike, so you can charge the bike’s battery inside your home.

Members can book the eCargo Bike for two weeks at a time. Hire cost is $10.

To join the library and borrow the eCargo bike, sign up with our online form.