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We welcome you to contact us with any questions you may have!

We’re open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings from 9.30am to 11.30am. You can contact us by phone (9531 1679), email ( or Facebook.


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Our wishes have been granted.

Elwood Toy Library



Grant Success! We are delighted to share that the Elwood Toy Library has had success with four grant proposals over the last year.

The City of Port Phillip, 2016/2017 Program Support Grant for $900, Elwood Toy Library Community Outreach

This grant enabled us to print newly designed flyers and posters to help us get the word out about the ETL. We are very grateful to the CoPP for their longstanding, generous support. And, a big thank you to Rowena Martin and Claire O’Boyle for the new design of the flyer, and to Kate Ireland for designing our new posters!

Elwood Community Bank (Bendigo Bank) 2016 Community Grant for $1,000, Enhancing the Elwood Toy Library IT Infrastructure to Better Serve our Community

This grant allows us to redesign the ETL website, upgrade our toy database, and enable electronic payments and roster duty bookings. We are very grateful to Committee Member, Jaime McLennan, who has been working to bring our new website to you. And, we are thankful to our Coordinator, Simon Hall, for his efforts to leverage this grant to start to improve your experience at the toy library!

Telstra Kids Grant for $1,200, New Toys for Play (and Building Self-Confidence!)

This award provides funding for quality new toys, puzzles and games to encourage self-confidence and emotional intelligence. We are grateful to Clodagh O’Reilly, toy library member and Telstra employee, for applying for this grant for us!

2016 Volunteer Grant from the Australian Government Department of Social Services

This grant will help us to purchase new computer equipment, making it quicker and easier to borrow toys. This year, DSS has invested a total of $10 million to small community organizations to support the work of nearly 100,000 volunteers. "We have more than 200 member volunteers who are vital to the toy library," says Simon Hall, the ETL Coordinator. "We couldn't operate without them."  

Anabel Norbury, the ETL Chair adds, “ we are very proud to receive this grant of $2,070. It will allow us to purchase additional computer equipment to assist our volunteers to speed up and simplify our returning and borrowing process during toy library sessions.

The new computer equipment will be purchased in the coming months. We look forward to bringing the benefits of this grant to our community! The Elwood Toy Library couldn’t thrive without the generous volunteer support of our members and funding from our community partners. Thank you!

Amber Sastry – Elwood Toy Library Committee Grant Writer