Contact Us

We welcome you to contact us with any questions you may have!

We’re open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings from 9.30am to 11.30am. You can contact us by phone (9531 1679), email ( or Facebook.


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About Elwood Toy Library

Who We Are

Created to attract families to the newly formed Elwood/St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre, the Elwood Toy Library has been part of the communities of Elwood and neighbouring St Kilda since 1985. Member parents soon took over the running of the toy library, which was incorporated in X.

Elwood Toy Library About Us

Our Mission & Vision

We aim to promote fun, creativity and play to support and nurture children’s development. To achieve this, we have an extensive range of well-made toys available for families to borrow. These toys are selected to foster children’s skill development and imagination.

Our goal is also to support families and promote positive relationships by encouraging quality playing time with children.

We seek to minimise environmental impact by promoting reuse and recycling principles.


Our Management

We are a not-for-profit organisation that is run by a voluntary committee of management with the assistance of a paid coordinator. The committee of toy library members includes specific roles — a chairperson, treasurer and secretary — as well as general members.


Our committee is always looking for passionate members to join and help run this much-loved community resource. If you’d like to get involved, email the toy library secretary, Jess Asz, or the toy library coordinator.


At the moment, we’re particularly looking for people to help organise events. Interested? Get in touch using the button below.

Get to Know our Supporters

We are lucky to be supported by our greater community...learn more about our supporters by clicking the button below!


Meet Our Committee Members

Meet the folks behind the scenes of Elwood Toy Library's volunteer board (and learn how you can get involved!).